Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tools for Knowledge Management

KM deals with knowledge generation, knowledge codification and refinement and knowledge transmission. The tools are available to handle all these functions of knowledge management. The tools are
Database Management Tools
-         For data management and seeking knowledge through SQL queries.
Data Warehousing, Data mart, Data Mining Tools
-         For business information creating and using data mining tools, OLAP tools to seek knowledge on different views and scenarios.
Work Flow Management Tools
Document Management Tools (Lotus Notes)
Web Based Tools

Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management (KM) comprises a range of practices used in an organisation to identify, create, represent, distribute and enable adoption of insights and experiences.
Knowledge: Knowledge is the ability of a person to understand and act effectively. Knowledge is simply actionable information. Actionable refers to the relevant information being available in the right place, at right time, in the right context and in the right way. So anyone (not just producer) can bring it to bear on decisions being made every minute.
Knowledge is the key resource in intelligent decision making, forecasting, design, planning, diagnosis, analysis, evaluation and intuitive judgment making. It does not grow out of database but evolves with experience, success, failures and learning over time.